
Labioplasty refers to reduction of the labia minora (mostly) or majora, as well as to augmentation through injection of bulking agents or autologous fat transfer.

Women seek labioplasty for different reasons. Functional indications include: discomfort in clothing or during sports, dyspareunia due to invagination of the labia on penetration can be another functional reason but a growing number of women seek this kind of surgery purely for aesthetic reasons.

The technique consists of a full thickness wedge excision centrally or at the posterior part of the labia minora which has the advantage of making the residual scar almost completely invisible . It preserves the natural outline, the pigmentation of the free edge and the neurovascularity.

Some swelling immediately postoperatively is to be expected and the first postoperative visit is usually scheduled around 1 week. Sooner in case of swelling, pain, or hematoma. Normally, patients can return to work after only 3–4 days. Sexual intercourse, bicycling, and intensive sports should be stopped for 4–6 weeks, until complete healing of the wounds has occurred.

Reduction of Labia Majora Enlarged Labia majora(Outer Lip) could be primary labia majora hypertrophy (volume excess) and secondary labia majora hypertrophy due to volume loss (skin excess). When there is a true volume excess, the enlarged labia majora can be reduced by liposuction. However, this might create sagging and skin excess. In case of skin excess due to volume loss, a reduction of the labia majora can be performed by excision of the excess tissue .Postoperative complications of a wedge excision are bleeding and transient hypersensitivity for 4 to 6 weeks.

Augmentation Labioplasty The procedure is mostly done in the labia majora and consists of augmentation through autologous fat injections or lipofilling. Fat can be harvested from the abdomen or the inner thigh. When performing a lipofilling of the labia majora a rather minor hypertrophy of the smaller labia can be masked. In case of a substantial labia minora hypertrophy, a reduction labioplasty can be performed with lipofilling of the labia majora.